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judge holding gravelIn the words of former US First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, “Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both.”

People who commit crimes deserve punishments in order for their violation to be justified. Without the imposition of a penalty, there will be a proliferation of more crimes, resulting in a chaotic society. But in the process of securing justice, the balance of fairness and crime-centered investigation must be in place. The violator has to be proven based on their commission or admission rather than on their color.

At the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Tyler Chapter, we advocate the promotion of justice that doesn’t discriminate against people based on their race, color, or belief. We believe in the justice system that punishes the violators and frees the innocent. We believe that justice is a right that needs to be served on fair and equal grounds.

Do you know someone who has been singled out of a crime due to their skin color? Let us help you fight for their right. Contact us at 903-531-0071.

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